Personal Distance Reiki

Support for You During This Important Time

Your health and safety as well as your peace of mind and body, and staying connected within your deeper~higher self, each other and the Divine [within and all around] can feel quite challenging, magnified in these times. Reiki is profoundly helpful in supporting peace of mind, body, and inner and outer peace, especially in the uncertainty and challenges we each are experiencing.

For all new clients, I’m offering 15-25 minute Distance Reiki sessions for yourself or loved ones, for anyone and anywhere for free. Why? Because Reiki is powerful yet gentle in helping heal, balance and nurture body and mind, especially in these times. If you find Reiki is right for you, additional sessions are available at a discount.

Please click the links below to Register for a session, learn more about Distance Reiki or browse helpful resources.

Reiki Healing Treatments Classes Relax the body. Relax the mind. Reconnect Within. Discover a new way of living. What is Reiki? Reiki Healing Relax the body. Relax the mind. Reconnect Within. Discover a new way of living.

Our Western society provides so many wonderful benefits. But it also teaches us stress. Stress for what we have to do. Stress for who we have to be. Stress for what we haven't accomplished. So many people live with this deep feeling of unease. That is why Reiki exists. It is an art form whose origins have existed for thousands of years. Its basic premise is that we all have channels of energy within us, and when we experience stress, we are essentially hindering those channels. When we learn to relax the body, mind and spirit, we open ourselves up to a deep well of healing and well-being. Things become clear. Things become enjoyable. You may feel like a kid again. Reiki isn't about fixing you. You don't need to be fixed. It's about uncovering the beautiful presence that has always been within you. We exist to guide you to it. Stress and Energy

Come Home

I started Center for Reiki because of what Reiki has done for me. It helped me feel hope again. It spurred profound mental and emotional changes. My patterns changed. The way I reacted to the world changed. I became resilient. It was a true transformation for me, and that is why I am so passionate about teaching Reiki.

Anyone can learn Reiki. Most Reiki Centers teach Western styles, which are wonderful. Here, we do things a little differently: we integrate Western Reiki with traditional Japanese teachings. We go straight to the source, and the blend is simple, elegant, and powerful. You’ll be guided through the entire process. I’ll take the time to understand you, where energy is being hindered, and will work side by side with you on your path to energy healing. Because you deserve it. You really do.

Once you become a student, I become a student of who you are. I listen with my heart to what it is that you are looking for. The deepest longing that you have. And I become your guide in helping you get there. We will travel a trusted path, and you can rest easy knowing that this path was built by many generations of wisdom, and you absolutely have what it takes to walk it. You will start being able to bring this practice into daily life, and begin cultivating it in many moments of your life. We'll Do This Together

Become The Real You

Many people are drawn to Reiki because they want to lower stress levels. But they find something far deeper, and far more precious. After practicing for a while, you will likely find yourself standing up straighter, smiling more, and just feeling like a better and more authentic version of yourself. But as we go deeper into practice, you will find a feeling of oneness. It feels like falling in love with your life. And even if you feel overwhelmed or stressed, there will be a natural buoyancy at all times. This is the life you deserve. Please get in touch, and let’s walk the path together.

Become The Real You

Many people are drawn to Reiki because they want to lower stress levels. But they find something far deeper, and far more precious. After practicing for a while, you will likely find yourself standing up straighter, smiling more, and just feeling like a better and more authentic version of yourself. But as we go deeper into practice, you will find a feeling of oneness. It feels like falling in love with your life. And even if you feel overwhelmed or stressed, there will be a natural buoyancy at all times. This is the life you deserve. Please get in touch, and let’s walk the path together.