The Power of Practice
Reiki Practice Day workshops are ideal for anyone who is a Reiki Practitioner and would like to refresh, grow, deepen (and maybe gain more confidence) in your practice, whether newly certified or very experienced. If you would like to practice treating others (and receiving wonderful treatments!), deepening your self-care practice, as well as being in the synergy of “group Reiki” 🙂
Reiki Practice Days are a fun, peacefully uplifting and fulfilling way to continue practicing offering and receiving Reiki, to deepen your Reiki meditations, techniques, skills and practices you learned during your Reiki First Degree Course. A place to share and ask questions, and receive Reiju which is a special Reiki Blessing to support you “tuning in” to these beautiful sacred life force energies and the bright light within, in your practice and life journey. Reiki Practice Days are open to all who have completed a Reiki First Degree Course or more, of any Reiki lineage.
Are Reiki Practice Days right for you? I encourage you to contact me and ask any questions if you’d like.
The Power of Practice
Reiki Practice Day workshops are ideal for anyone who is a Reiki Practitioner and would like to refresh, grow, deepen (and maybe gain more confidence) in your practice, whether newly certified or very experienced. If you would like to practice treating others (and receiving wonderful treatments!), deepening your self-care practice, as well as being in the synergy of “group Reiki” 🙂
Reiki Practice Days are a fun, peacefully uplifting and fulfilling way to continue practicing offering and receiving Reiki, to deepen your Reiki meditations, techniques, skills and practices you learned during your Reiki First Degree Course. A place to share and ask questions, and receive Reiju which is a special Reiki Blessing to support you “tuning in” to these beautiful sacred life force energies and the bright light within, in your practice and life journey. Reiki Practice Days are open to all who have completed a Reiki First Degree Course or more, of any Reiki lineage.
Are Reiki Practice Days right for you? I encourage you to contact me and ask any questions if you’d like.